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The Most Cost Effective Way To Retain Talent With Stock Based Compensation

Retain talent through volatile markets without increasing SBC and shareholder dilution.

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Company Managed, Every Step of the Way

TUX allows companies to affordably retain talent and recruit in bearish markets.

Market volatility not only impacts employee security but also hampers companies' ability to attract and retain top talent. When stock values drop, companies are pressured to enhance equity compensation packages significantly to combat these issues —by up to 30%, costing on average an additional $150 million annually.


Trading Windows

We abide with Company Trading & Black out Windows.


No Cost to Employers

All contributions are driven by opted in employees.


Coverage Maximums

Companies can select protection maximums and minimums.


Granular Control

Pick and choose which teams have access when.

TUX Helps Cut Spending on Refresher Grants

Decreased supplemental refreshers

Decrease spend on stock based compensation refreshers in down markets, by allowing employees to protect themselves.

One step closer to GAAP EBITDA profitiably

Companies spend millions on additional refresher grants. TUX can drastically decrease this expense.

Decrease insitutional shareholder dilution

Keep institutional shareholders happy by not issuing more SBC and not diluting their shares.

Tracking SBC Usage By Internet Companies

In Q2 of 2022, AMZN increased its stock based compensation (SBC) expense by $2B to offset material share price under performance.

Learn how TUX can help mitigate this expenseBook a call

Total SBC Without TUX

Base SBC + $2 Billion

without tux graph

Total SBC With TUX

Base SBC + $2 Billion

with tux graph
Simulated results for illustrative purposes only. Data provided by Evercore in a 2022 study.

Attract and Retain Top Talent

A common assertion is that people quit managers, not jobs, but a primary instigator of job-seeking behavior is actually the perception that compensation is unfair. Better benefits lead to better employee retention and satisfaction!

Compliant Hedging with TUX

What is hedging?

Hedging is the practice of using financial transactions to counterbalance potential losses in equity securities, offering a vital risk management strategy to safeguard against unfavorable market shifts in held securities.

How can hedging help my employees?

Hedging protects employee equity compensation from market volatility, ensuring stable income and secure financial planning while aligning long-term interests and boosting retention.

Who can use hedging solutions?

The SEC permits hedging transactions for employees, provided the employees are not executives or Section 16 employees and do not have access to material, non-public information about the company.

Read Section 16 SEC requirements

How does TUX help?

TUX partners with companies and abides by their trading & black out windows while giving them granular access to pick and choose which teams have access. Protect your employees while remaining compliant.